Sunday, January 31, 2010

The birthday

So my birthday was interesting. First, we had a plumbing emergency. Luckily my father in-law Paul knows a thing or two about plumbing and Ronald was able to help him fix it saving us hundreds of dollars.

We were able to salvage the day by going to lunch in the afternoon. We went to the Cheesecake Factory in pretty Walnut Creek and got so full we couldn't even walk around after like we had planned. Then we rented a movie and came home and I took a birthday nap while Ronald did homework. That night we watched the movie and had a little ice cream cake (mint and chocolate mmm).

During lunch we talked about my 25th year and what I want now that I'm 26. In the last few months I have grown a lot; I feel like I am getting better at expressing my anger, I'm beginning to let go of my parents in a real way, and l think I'm more confident and authentic. This coming year I want to gain independence, find more stability, be more creative, get through my anger, and maybe even go back to school. It's all a little exciting/scary. We'll see how it goes...

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Catherine, I am so glad you had a good birthday after all!! And your plans for your next year sound so promising and hopeful! And I think if it didn't sound just a little scary, it probably wouldn't be worth going for... I can't wait to see how your gorgeous self unfolds... Love, Silke
