Wednesday, March 24, 2010

you said it all

I heart daffodils. The ones on the coffee table are young, hiding, half-opened bursts of yellow. Isabelle the shih tzu is still in bed. She usually sleeps in until ten. Amelia the labrador is sleeping by me. I bought them a brain teaser sort of game called "hide a squirrel". It's a fabric tree stump that you put plush squirrels into and the goal is to get the dog to find a way to pull them out (there are several holes in the stump), well Isabelle doesn't get it one bit and Amelia loves the tree stump, she runs around with it like it's her new favorite toy, totally defeating the purpose of the game. They are both pretty silly.

Today we are getting our house appraised in order to get a home equity line to fix the place up. I'm worried about it and spent all afternoon yesterday cleaning. Then I remember what this place looked like when we first moved in and how much it appraised for and breathe a sigh of relief. It looks so much better than it used to! Fingers crossed that we get the line of credit and can get renovating.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds exciting! I hope it all works out!!!

    Wishing I was your shih tzu... I could use a sleep til ten!
