Saturday, February 6, 2010

Simple things challenge

 Check out Enchanted Oaks challenge, what a great way to spread the love around!

Simple things I adore:

Arranging fresh cut flowers
Watching the birds on our telephone wires
The way Ronald's face looks when he is sleepy
How excited the dogs are to see me when I come home


  1. Dear girl,
    thank you for participating in my Simple Things challenge for Haiti. You got out of your depression long enough to think of a blessing, and I pray that will bless you in return. Please see my comment below on your post about being sad. Do not give up on God. He doesn't cause depression, any more than He causes war or heart attacks. He is with us to save and heal all of us who seek Him to be saved and healed. Trust me. Read my comment and get back to me if you like via email:

  2. Birds on a telephone wire - that is indeed a pleasure - and so are dogs wagging their tails in pleasure!

    My list is up:

  3. Oh, Catherine, all those things on your list (well, except substitute Daniel's face for Ronald's face) would also be on mine! Another simple thing for me are raindrops on our skylights! Love that sound!! And the cat curled up on my lap! I love simple things!!

    A great big hug for you! Silke

  4. great list...thanks for playing along over at chris' and for a great cause...i love reading an d journaling...

  5. lovely list.
    stay blessed.

  6. Thank you for all your comments, they mean a lot to me.

    xox, Catherine
