Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I always blog in the morning but I was so tired and muddled and down this morning that I decided to wait. I'm still tired and down and muddled. I think it's funny but not really. I really think it sucks.

I talked a lot about my parents today. About how all the things they did have accumulated into this huge mess of pain and anger. Just one thing they did-- like how they left my wedding early to go to see an auto-race, is enough to be done with them, but that is just one out of many. It makes me so upset. I don't understand all the things they did and why they don't see how screwed up they were/are. I think they are just clueless, they don't get the severity of what has happened and is happening. Their not "getting it" is still no excuse for their actions. I'm so angry and irritated right now. Ugh.

Now to letting it go, and resting, and embarking on an evening of sewing.


  1. Boy do I understand it all. I'm sorry to hear you are working through the pain and anger of clueless/neglectful parents. Hope your sewing helped take your mind off it for a while. Music does that for me :)

  2. I so get that! I so remember all those feelings. And you know, there really is no excuse for any of their behavior! There may be explanations (their own cluelessness,unhappiness, etc.) but those are no excuses ever for neglecting your children. It's good you are feeling all that! And good that you know how to soothe yourself for a bit so you don't burn out processing all your feelings. I hope sewing will bring you some peace for a little while! Love, Silke
