Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Fall things

Stout little pumpkins.

My new Fall shoes which I adore.

My Autumn face which looks identical to my Summer face.

I couldn't sleep last night. Now I have a pulsing headache and lack-of-sleep hangover. I feel rotten.

Its going to be warm again today. I can't wait to pull out my sweaters and various bundle-y wonders. I will be like a warm little bunny rabbit all winter.


  1. How interesting that your summer face is just as beautiful as your fall face.

    Hope you are feeling good today.

    Love Renee xoxo

  2. Renee you are too sweet.

    Thinking and praying for you.

    Lots of love, Catherine

  3. Thanks Rachelle! Its my miniature beehive :)
