Friday, March 19, 2010


This puppy is getting spayed today. We dropped her off this morning and I left the building like a worried mommy. I can't imagine how nerve-racking it must be having kids to worry about. We came home only to find that Isabelle threw up all over our white shag rug ruining it. Now the rug is in the trash and I'm trying to figure out a way we can get a replacement. Oh what an exciting life...

Ronald is off work today so we are going to run some errands soon. I'm tired from waking up at 5:45 after having a night of bad dreams. I woke at 2:30 and had my form of nighttime klonopin which is a strawberry pop tart and some fruit and vegetable juice. For some reason this always makes me feel better.

I'm feeling so-so today. Tired, nervous about Amelia, allergic to Spring, but ok.


  1. My dear Catherine! I've just caught up with your last few posts, having been so out of touch while I was recovering. I am so glad to read and feel your progress and your inner strength! You sound so much better! A huge step toward fulfilling your dreams and living YOUR life! I'm so happy for you!! Love, Silke

  2. Oh, I totally forgot to say all the best wishes for Amelia. I'm sure she'll be just fine, but I remember those moments of worry when our dogs had their surgeries...

    I just looked at all your Yosemite photos and, wow, did that bring back memories. When Daniel and I lived in the Bay Area between 89 and 92, we often went camping in Yosemite. We never saw it quite so lush though because we visited during all those years of drought. I even have a cool picture of my sister and I in Yosemite in 1990 right before Daniel and I got married...

    So many good memories! Thank you!! Love, Silke

  3. Oh funny, Amelia being gone and Isabelle ruining the rug... Too bad she can't communicate better. Was she also worried about sister Amelia?

    And now Amelia is home and resting comfy...

    get some well deserved rest tonight Amelia's mommy. She'll be fine... Love you

  4. It is extremely nerve-wracking to have kids to worry about, but pets do become part of the family, as well. It is harder, in one way, to take a pet than a child because you can't explain to the pet why you are dropping them off and leaving them and allowing someone to hurt them...
    but it will be all right. Dogs love so unconditionally that as soon as she sees you all will be forgiven and she will only be happy that you are back.
